Discovering your essence

Dive into the depths of your being and illuminate the wonders that lie within!

Astrology is more than just celestial bodies; it's a reflection of who you are, how you feel and your unique path. You are unlike any other person, and life is certainly not a one-size-fits-all game! By exploring the planets, we start to untangle all of the unique parts of ourselves and how they interact to create our experience.

My journey with astrology started over a decade ago with a book called "The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need." Little did I know it would be the start of a whole library of books and classes, along with a whole new understanding of the world. The thing I love most about astrology is its ability to help us feel truly seen and whole.

Explore your cosmic anatomy with a personalized birth chart reading from me at Strawberry Moon Astrology. Empower yourself to navigate life with more understanding of what you want and what the universe is asking you.

Let’s bring light to the complex world inside of you!


Discover Your Path