20 Minute Chart Reading
In a 20 minute reading, we can dig into your personal planets to understand your unique wiring. Or we can explore one issue or experience that’s coming up for you by looking at how the planets in the sky are influencing your chart. By understanding what the universe is asking us, we can respond with more ease and clarity.
In a 20 minute reading, we can dig into your personal planets to understand your unique wiring. Or we can explore one issue or experience that’s coming up for you by looking at how the planets in the sky are influencing your chart. By understanding what the universe is asking us, we can respond with more ease and clarity.
In a 20 minute reading, we can dig into your personal planets to understand your unique wiring. Or we can explore one issue or experience that’s coming up for you by looking at how the planets in the sky are influencing your chart. By understanding what the universe is asking us, we can respond with more ease and clarity.
Readings are held virtually by phone or zoom. Readings are available Sunday, Monday and Tuesday subject to availability. Additional times may be available by request.